The Law School recommendation process can be daunting as this is one area of your application, which you potentially may have the least control or influence, as another individual is providing authorship of the material. The Aston & James' Law School Recommendation Guidance service is for our clients whom are seeking to gain highly polished and impactful recommendation letters.
Over years of experience and many clients, we have developed a guaranteed methodology to facilitate your recommenders in creating successful recommendation letters. Aston & James' approach towards recommendation letters which are of the highest quality and energy, is one that is integrity filled. Aston & James' Law School Recommendation Guidance service begins with the Aston & James consultant working 1:1 with you to identify the most influential and positive recommenders based upon Aston & James' strategic assessment criteria.
Following this identification, your Aston & James consultant will further develop the short list of recommenders who should be selected to provide you recommendation letters. Furthermore, your Aston & James consultant will work with you in a detailed prescriptive manner to execute a series of activities which will result in your recommender creating the most positive recommendation, without you authoring any portion of it. In addition, Aston & James' Law School Recommendation Guidance service will also result in your recommenders completing the on-line recommendation matrix or matrices for each of the top-tier law schools flawlessly.
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